Sustainability Management Policy

The Company is aware of the importance of developing and driving the business towards sustainability for the Company’s business to grow steadily. Therefore, the Company attaches importance and consideration to the environment, society, and good governance in its business operations at all stages and transfers it to various operational levels. The Company has established a sustainability management policy in the following aspects:

Sustainability Management Policy


The Company is committed to conducting business that is environmentally friendly and takes into account the environmental impact by paying attention to every step of the operation as follows:
Campaign for economical and efficient energy consumption
Reduce greenhouse gas by monitoring vehicles used to transport goods in a ready-to-use condition to prevent incomplete fuel combustion and power off during lunch breaks and scheduling air conditioning shutdowns outside of the office hours of the headquarters and warehouse.
Reduce the use of office materials and equipment by recycling them.
Use durable packaging instead of disposable packaging to save resources and reduce waste.
Dispose of leftovers or waste and hazardous waste in the right way to reduce pollution.
Educate staff and employees on the efficient use of electricity and water and encourage executives and employees at all levels to be aware of environmentally and climate-friendly business operations.

Social Development

The Company is committed to creating stability for society and communities, developing skills and potential of employees to create quality people to society and creating jobs and careers to distribute income to communities to create a sustainable society as follows:
Support and respect the protection of human rights, treat employees equitably and fairly, promote the employment of local labors, the disadvantaged and the disabled without discrimination of differences of race, religion, gender, age, education, belief, or any other matter.
Provide personnel development in the organization by organizing continuous training to promote the ability and enhance the work of employees to make the Company’s operations more efficient and motivate employees to stay with the Company for further development of the organization
Provide employees with benefits, safety, and hygiene in the workplace to ensure work satisfaction for employees.
Hire goods manufacturers that have a supportive and respectful approach to human rights protection and treat employees equally and fairly in accordance with business operations.
Collaborate with communities, schools, or government agencies in various activities to create participation and make the community environment more livable.

Good Corporate Governance

The Company is committed to managing its business by adhering to good corporate governance principles to develop the Company and expand its business for sustainable growth by
Preparing and implementing important policies to guide business operations with transparency and good governance, taking into account the benefits to the business and shareholders and treating stakeholders through important policies, such as Good Corporate Governance Policy, Business Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy, Inside Information Prevention Policy.
Conducting business in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Assessing and responding to risks to prevent impacts on the Company’s sustainability in economic, social, environmental, and corporate governance dimensions.